
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The days pass by

Took away the "What I'm Listening To" page cause I hardly even change the songs there. There's another 293 more days till SPM and I wanna get it over and done with! Everyone's probably annoyed with people saying they want outta school but that's something I've been looking forward to for awhile.

"You know what it is,
- Junyao annoying people

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Life is too average

Went to Fahrenheit 88 and Pavillion. Window shopped. Saw Mahatir. End of story. My life's a bore

Saturday, January 15, 2011

I am Aries, Goat of War

Yeah, by now all of you guys should've heard all the hype about new horoscopes. Well, all this happened cause of this guy.

Ophiuchus. Your name is really hard to spell, you crazy snake carrying dude.

You can check out your new horoscope sign. Like it or hate it, you gotta deal with it.

I AM ARIES, GOAT OF WAR. Well cause Aries the goat sounds like Ares the God of War. Sorry, baaaaaaaaaaad (goat sound) pun.

Nuff' said.

Friday, January 14, 2011

My 39 degree fever didn't kill me

I AM CURED! After spending most of my time sleeping for the past 2 days, I am finally cured of my fever. This fever is probably the worse fever I had because this was my first time collapsing and fainting. The worse part was I collapsed near my freaking toilet bowl. Thank lord my head didn't freaking go into the toilet bowl.

On the bright side, I think I grew taller :3

Nuff' said

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

School sucks up half my day

I AM BACK! I haven't been updating cause my time on the internet is pretty limited. When I go online, I read comics and play games for however long I am online. Yeah, I am the perfect SPM candidate and role model. I've finished off the comic I was reading (115 chapters and still going on!) and now I got time to blog again! Rejoice people! You can stalk my every move from the privacy and comfort of your house computer again.

We had to choose our co-curricular activities for the year today. This allowed everyone to skip the first 3 study periods of the day!

I forgot to inform my photographers about today's event. For those of you wondering why I have photogs, it's because I'm the Chief Editor for this years school magazine. I'm still kinda have no theme for the magazine. This sucks. But luckily, I got to use the school's camera. So technically, I haven't failed at my job yet.

Falling ill and I gotta handle the auditions for new Editorial Board members tomorrow. Wish me luck.

A little birdie gave Cheemeng's bag a present.

Perfect sudent

Nuff' said.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

My kicks so fly like a G6

My Nike Renzo. It's my first mid top pair of shoes and I was pretty afraid of getting them last time cause I thought they'd make me look like a lala or look like Justin Bieber. Thankfully, I don't.

Well, second day of school today and I can't wait till the week is over. I have a bunch of homework to do mainly cause of my laziness during the holidays. Oh and I get really little views on school days. That's sad.

Nuff' said.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Teachers aren't hairstylists

Got my sideburns snipped off today. So I decided to shave off the whole thing! Hooray for random, spontaneous decisions! I haven't had hair this short in a long time and it's pretty refreshing. My head feels alot lighter and I think I can run faster now cause I'm more aerodynamic and more asshole. Yes, having short hair makes me feel asshole.

First day of school today. Assembly was short but unnecessary if you asked me. On the plus side, my class was one of the only 2 and a half classes to receive new tables and chairs! My class, 5 Cemerlang and some class (these guys only got half though) got these new plastic/metal tables and those plastic chairs with the higher back rest.

Oh and God must've got my message late. I wanted it to rain in the morning but it rained in the afternoon instead and caused a traffic jam which delayed my journey home by 40 minutes. Thanks God, at least you made it rain. :)

Nuff' said

Saturday, January 1, 2011

A curtain call for 2010

The last sunset of 2010

Happy new years guys! It's 2011 right now which means I have loads of stuff that's gonna be waiting for me

  1. SPM. Straight A's, baby.
  2. I CAN DRIVE THIS YEAR!! Watch out drivers of Malaysia. Imma comming to ram your cars grace the road with my excellent and law abiding driving.
  3. SNSD concert?!
Well 2010 was quite an eventful year for me. The event that probably stood out the most was seeing my grandma go to the hospital. She's not in any critical condition but the fact that she has to stay in the hospital is pretty scary. She's still in the hospital right now and I hope she has a swift recovery.

My new year's resolution for the year 2011 is

"Be better"

It's pretty simple but at least it's possible. Wanna know what were my new years resolution for the years 2008, 2009 and 2010?

"Pray that hot/attractive girls enroll in the school!"

This sorta never happened. That's why I've got a more down to earth resolution this year. Even if there were any slightly attractive girls that enrolled into my school, they'd turn lala in a month. It's an epidemic of epicly creepy porportions I tell you!

Nuff' said.
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